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Welcome to 2025! The learning framework has been updated to celebrate a new year with new topics and excellent learning content. The theme for 2025 is The Pursuit of Excellence.

Achieving departmental and individual goals is essential for organizational success. A clearly defined organizational strategy offers clarity and guidance, enabling departments, leaders, and individual contributors to understand work toward success. Below are a few tips on how managers and team members can reach goal accomplishment.


  • Help team members understand organizational/department goals and priorities.
  • Get team members to commit to enacting strategies that lead to goal accomplishment.
  • Engage in conversation that defines responsibilities and ensures that strategic priorities are integrated.

Team Members:

  • Create a personal vision statement that allows you to visualize the results that you want to achieve.
  • Be sure to use SMART goals to organize your goal accomplishment effort.
  • Dissect your action plan into smaller steps so you can work toward accomplishing the larger goal.
  • Establish timelines to ensure you complete your goals on time.

The tips above will help you accomplish your goals and assist you in helping the organization/department succeed. Click the links to view more tips for managers and team members.