What is ENGAGE 2.0?
ENGAGE 2.0 is the State of Missouri’s approach to professional development. ENGAGE brings supervisors and team members together to have meaningful professional development conversations. These conversations provide an opportunity to help team members improve in their current role and position themselves for future success. This is all about helping each other get better individually and in our teams.
Want to learn more? Check out the ENGAGE 2.0 Basics on LinkedIn Learning!
Why are we changing?
The State of Missouri wants to create a culture of development where ongoing conversations between team members and supervisors focus on real-time coaching, career development, and the unique professional aspirations of team members. ENGAGE 2.0 will also give us more, better, and richer data so we can recognize and reward top performers. Listen to this message from the Governor ( transcript) to see how ENGAGE 2.0 is part of the plan to make our government the best it can be.
What’s changing with ENGAGE 2.0?
The new elements introduced with ENGAGE 2.0 are:
1. Evaluation Tool: Six simple questions about team member performance completed by the supervisor(s) closest to their daily work.
2. Upward Feedback: Six questions that allow supervisors to understand how effectively they coach, develop,
and recognize the team members they lead or mentor.
3. Growth Model: A resource that helps team members and supervisors align on an individual’s current strengths and development areas,
and what they can do to achieve their unique professional development goals.
What is the difference between PERforM and ENGAGE 2.0?
There are several key ways ENGAGE 2.0 differs from PERforM, some examples include:
• ENGAGE 2.0 is different from PERforM because it is about helping us all get better through more meaningful professional development conversations. This is facilitated through better training which will lead to better coaching and feedback.
• PERforM was paper-based and time intensive. ENGAGE 2.0 evaluations are 6 questions long and take approximately 5-8 minutes to complete.
• PERforM captured data on Team Member performance once a year. So, team members did not receive useful feedback on a regular basis. In contrast, ENGAGE 2.0 allows supervisors to share feedback on a monthly basis. ENGAGE 2.0 also captures performance data each on a regular basis, so Team Members can understand how their performance is tracking multiple times throughout the year.
• Finally, ENGAGE 2.0 enables us to use data to make reward and recognition decisions. A reward and recognition menu is being introduced to leaders from each department to facilitate increased ways to reward great performance.
How do supervisors track their ENGAGE conversations?
Supervisors can go the ENGAGE 2.0 website homepage and click “ track ENGAGE meetings.” This tool, called the “ENGAGE tracker,” is a simple way for supervisors to track their ENGAGE/REFLECT conversations. Most departments have elected to use this tool.** This allows supervisors to record the date of the monthly ENGAGE conversations they have with each team member. Department leaders also use this tool to make sure ENGAGE conversations are happening.
Note: Each department determines which populations are expected to use this resource. Contact your local HR and follow their guidance on how you should track your ENGAGE/REFLECT conversations.
Do I have to track ENGAGE conversations?
Yes; ENGAGE tracking requirements will remain the same under ENGAGE 2.0.
Exemptions: Is anyone exempt from ENGAGE conversations? Can I exempt a specific title or an individual from ENGAGE?
The goal of ENGAGE 2.0 is to promote everyone’s professional development. This happens through meaningful monthly conversations between supervisors and their team members. Since every person has room to grow, no titles are automatically exempt from ENGAGE 2.0. All >.49 FTE staff are expected to have ENGAGE conversations with their supervisor.
However, each agency applies their own standard to exempt staff. For example, there are cases where a certain title or individual can be exempt from ENGAGE 2.0:
1) Hourly and intermittent staff. Any <.49 FTE staff member can be exempt from ENGAGE. This exemption is made by someone with HR admin or system admin privileges in the ENGAGE Tracker.
2) Extended leave of absence. If a >.49 FTE staff member is on an extended leave of absence, they may be exempt from their monthly ENGAGE conversation.
3) Extenuating circumstances. In rare cases, a supervisor may need to mark a team member exempt from having their ENGAGE conversation for a given month. To do this, use the Exempt button and select the month.
4) With the new ENGAGE rhythm effective October 1, 2021, March and September are designated as Evaluation/Upward Feedback months and do not include a required conversation. To do this, use the Exempt button and select the month.
Note: Supervisors should not exempt someone from ENGAGE many months in a row. Managers should hold supervisors accountable if they are not holding regular conversations with their team member(s).
Someone that I manage is not listed in my ENGAGE Tracker. What do I do?
If a person has been marked exempt by an Admin they will not show up on the supervisors list of team members. The Admin can still view the team member.
In addition, the ENGAGE Tracker pulls information from the PUD3 record in SAM II. PUD3 may not list the correct position information for that team member. If so, they will not appear in your ENGAGE tracker. Check with your local HR office. Make sure the proper reporting structure is listed for the team member in SAM II/PUD3. Double-check the following: field 9, agency; field 10, organization; field 11, position number.
I am a supervisor and I made a mistake in my ENGAGE Tracker. I accidentally entered a regular monthly ENGAGE meeting, when it should have been an annual REFLECT meeting. How do I fix it?
To change a meeting from an ENGAGE conversation to a REFLECT conversation, contact your local HR. Tell them the date of the conversation and let them know that it should be marked as a REFLECT conversation.
I’m a supervisor and I accidently marked someone as exempt from their monthly ENGAGE conversation. They should not be exempt. How do I fix this?
Please contact your local HR Director. They have admin capabilities for the ENGAGE tracker and can make the adjustment for you.
Will the ENGAGE tracker and evaluation dashboard be integrated?
The two tools are separate currently. But the ENGAGE 2.0 team is looking for ways to merge both tools.
What should I do if I replace a supervisor who didn’t conduct final ENGAGE or REFLECT conversations with the members of the team?
Whether the supervisor you back-filled conducted final ENGAGE and REFLECT conversations or not, you should conduct initial ENGAGE conversations to meet your team, understand their individual strengths and development goals, and align on how you would both like to use future ENGAGE Conversations.
What is a REFLECT conversation? How is it different from an ENGAGE conversation?
REFLECT conversations occur once a year near the team member’s anniversary date. (Note: Supervisors can check a team member’s anniversary date in their ENGAGE tracker). Ideally, this conversation happens within the team members anniversary month. If that anniversary is in March or September, you can schedule the REFLECT conversation in that month using the tracker, or during the subsequent ENGAGE month. Supervisors and team members can think of REFLECT conversations as an expanded ENGAGE conversation. The goal of a REFLECT conversation is to ensure the team member and their supervisor:
o understand the job expectations,
o review professional development goals for the past year,
o identify strengths and areas of opportunity, and
o set priorities to focus on in the upcoming year.
Both parties should prepare ahead of time. Many teams use the Supervisor and Team member REFLECT forms to prepare for their conversation. They come to meeting with responses to 6 questions to discuss and align on. Each party shares their copy and makes comments together to agree on the responses.
A supervisor accidently marked an employee as exempt for an individual month of ENGAGE conversations, how do you un-exempt them from that month?
Note: An HR Admin or System Admin will need to make these changes. Users who can proxy to an HR Admin can also make these changes on a HR/System Admin’s behalf
The HR Admin/System Admin will take these steps to un-exempt an employee from ENGAGE:
1) Log in to the ENGAGE Tracker
2) Go to the “Admin Changes” tab.
3) Type the name of the employee whose meeting you want to change.
4) Select that employee name in the list of Search results. Then select “Remove” next to the ENGAGE Meeting Date that is incorrect.
5) The supervisor should then add the ENGAGE correct meeting data and information for that month.
A supervisor accidently marked a meeting as an ENGAGE conversation, instead of a REFLECT conversation. How do I fix it?
An HR Admin/System Admin will take these steps to un-exempt an employee from ENGAGE:
1) Log in to the ENGAGE Tracker
2) Go to the “Admin Changes” tab.
3) Type the name of the employee whose meeting you want to change.
4) Select that employee name in the list of Search results. Then select “Remove” next to the ENGAGE Meeting Date that is incorrect.
5) The supervisor should then add the ENGAGE/REFLECT meeting to the ENGAGE tracker with the correct information for that day/month.
An employee isn’t showing up in the ENGAGE tracker, even though the SAM II PUD3 is showing the correct supervisor/team member relationship – Why?
Check to see if the team member was previously marked as fully “exempt” from ENGAGE in the ENGAGE Tracker. If they were exempt from ENGAGE in their previous role, they will not show up on their new supervisor’s ENGAGE Tracker, even if the information in PUD 3/SAM II is correct.
How do I mark an employee as exempt/not exempt in the ENGAGE Tracker?
Note: Only an HR or System admin can mark a team member as fully exempt/not exempt from ENGAGE. Supervisors can only mark a staff member as ‘exempt’ from an individual monthly ENGAGE meeting. Staff who can proxy in as an HR admin are also unable to fully exempt/not exempt from ENGAGE.
To change an employee’s exemption status, the HR Admin/System Admin should take the following steps:
1) Log in to the ENGAGE Tracker
2) Click on the “Admin” tab
3) Type in the last name of the supervisor of the supervisor requesting to exempt/un-exempt an employee
4) Find the name of the correct supervisor in the list and click “Proxy to”
5) Navigate to the “ENGAGE Meetings” tab
6) Find the name of the employee you would like to exempt/un-exempt. To exempt/un-exempt an employee, check the box next to their name (A GREY check indicates that the employee is NOT exempt. A GREEN check indicates that the employee IS exempt).
Reporting: What is the best report to track individuals’ conversation status?
Supervisors should use the “Supervisor Activity” report. This will give them a list of anyone in their reporting chain. If a supervisor manages other supervisors, it will show the status of ENGAGE conversations for all supervisors/staff on the team.
HR Admins have access to more reports. They can use the “Employees with No Activity” or “Employees with Pending ENGAGE Meetings” reports.
Access & Admin Privileges: How do I change someone else’s permission levels in the ENGAGE tracker?
Note: Only an HR Admin or Systems Admin can change a staff member’s access level or grant them the ability to proxy to another user.
Note: Non-supervisors cannot be granted Admin privileges. But they can proxy in as an Admin to pull reports.
1) Log in to the ENGAGE Tracker
2) Go to your “Admin” page
3) Search for the name of the supervisor whose permissions you’d like to change
4) Click on the name of the person whose permissions you want to update
5) Scroll down on page. A screen will open below that will allow you to:
A). Change their access level (Under role, select HR admin or another desired option) or
B.) Allow him/her to proxy in as another individual to run reports.
6) Click “Save”
1) Log in to the ENGAGE Tracker
2) Go to your “Admin” page
3) Search for the name of the supervisor with HR admin role you want to assign the person as a proxy to
4) Click on their name
5) Scroll down on page. A screen will open below that will allow you to grant proxy
6) Click “grant proxy”
7) Select “to other employee”
8) Search the employee by name and check the box to select them
9) Click “Save”
1) Log in to the ENGAGE Tracker
2) Go to your “Admin” page
3) Search for the name of the person with HR/System admin access that you want to remove the proxy from
4) Follow these instructions
How do supervisors log in to complete their evaluation(s)?
1. Use the link sent to your email. It will be sent from stateofmissourisurveynoreply@oa.mo.gov.
2. You can also sign in to Qualtrics to complete your evaluations:
i. SSO Users / consolidated agencies: Go to https://stateofmissouri.co1.qualtrics.com/EX/ParticipantPortal – Sign in with state credentials (Ex: bdsuserID & network password)
ii. Non-SSO Users / non-consolidated agencies: Go to https://engagementsurvey.iad1.qualtrics.com/login – Sign in with your username (emailaddress#stateofmissouri) and password.
3. Forgot your password? Click forgot password and follow the prompts.
My list of team members to evaluate is incorrect. Why?
There are a few reasons this may happen:
• If you are a new supervisor and missing a team member(s), the previous supervisor(s) may be providing the evaluation for this evaluation period and you will complete them for next.
• If you have someone listed that you do not directly supervise, you may be a secondary evaluator.
• SAMII data may not have been up-to-date when the data was pulled. The organizational structure for Engage 2.0 is populated by SAMII. The data pull date is usually about a week before the evaluation period begins.
If you believe changes are needed to your Engage 2.0 evaluation listing, please contact your department HR Director. They will make the determination and authorize changes, if needed.
I’m a supervisor and I made a mistake when I completed a team member’s evaluation. Can I change my response(s) after I’ve completed the evaluation? How do I fix it?
Supervisors can only make changes to their submitted evaluations only in very rare and special circumstances. For example, if a Supervisor incorrectly marked a team member as “at risk.” If you need to make a change to your evaluation response, here are the steps to follow:
1. Contact your HR director to explain the error in the evaluation.
2. Your HR director will review the request. If they would like the change request to be reviewed, they can send a written explanation to the Talent Management Help Desk ( engage@oa.mo.gov).
3. The Talent Management Help Desk will review comments/previous scores and make a final decision. If approved, they will make the change to the evaluation.
Do team members have access to their completed evaluations? If not, how does their supervisor’s feedback make it back to them?
No, non-supervisory team members do not have access to an individual evaluation dashboard. Team members do not get a dashboard. This is because their supervisor should share this information in their monthly ENGAGE conversations.
A member of my team retired or is no longer a State of MO employee, do I still complete their evaluations?
Yes. Please complete their evaluations as normal, in case they decide to return to state employment in the future.
I started an evaluation and now I realize I need to mark the team member Exempt, how do I do that?
Please finish the evaluation (put in some placeholder data, if needed, then complete it). Close your webpage. Log back in and go to the listing of team members to evaluate.
Click the ellipsis icon, which looks like three dots, to the right of the employee name and then select edit.
The exempt button should appear for you to choose. Supervisors can make changes to an evaluation following these steps, until the end of the evaluation period which is usually the last day of the month.
If a member has been marked Exempt, but now needs to be evaluated, click the ellipses icon to make the edits.
What if a supervisor un-expectantly becomes unavailable to complete Evaluations?
Reach out to your HR contact for guidance. The agency’s HR Director or designee may need to make arrangements for another employee to complete the evaluations before the end of the ENGAGE period. The request must come before the cut-off date for changes. The cut off date is usually a few day before the evaluations close.
Will supervisors share evaluation responses with their team members during ENGAGE conversations?
• Supervisors do not need to share their exact answers to evaluation questions with their team members. Supervisors tend to score team members higher when they think their exact responses will be shared. This makes it difficult to identify the team members truly performing above and beyond in their role.
• Instead, supervisors will share their feedback about the team member. This includes their individual strengths, as well as any areas where the team member could improve or build on an existing skill.
• Remember, while the evaluation data is helpful is recognizing top performers, the primary goal of the evaluation is to help supervisors think more specifically about individual team member strengths and development areas so they can be discussed during ENGAGE conversations.
How will employees get their aggregated evaluation data during the mid-year debrief?
Supervisors will have access to an evaluation dashboard showing the aggregated results for their team members. This includes the average score received on the 3 rating questions in the evaluation survey. More importantly, it includes the unique strengths and development areas recorded in the evaluation’s open text boxes. Supervisors use the data in the dashboard to prepare for their mid-year ENGAGE conversation, where they will share how the Team Member is doing, and what specific strengths and development areas that Team Member has showcased over the last 6 months.
Watch the ENGAGE 2.0 Dashboard Training for Supervisors on LinkedIn Learning. It reviews key components of the dashboard. It also shares how supervisors can use the dashboard to have a great ENGAGE conversation.
Who should be completing the evaluations? Will team members have multiple supervisors completing evaluations for them?
Evaluations will be completed by each employee’s formal supervisor. In some cases, a team member may also have a “secondary evaluator.” For example, if a team member worked closely with a supervisor other than their day-to-day lead on a special project, that supervisor can also complete an evaluation or the team member.
Is there a guideline on how long a worker should be employed with the state of Missouri before an ENGAGE evaluation should be submitted?
Yes, the first question in the ENGAGE survey asks whether the team member is exempt (or not) from the evaluation. The supervisor can mark the team member as exempt if they are:
1) an hourly employee,
2) a new employee (employed <4 weeks), or
3) have been on an extended leave of absence.
Check out this Guide for more info.
What if I don’t like my supervisor and I’m worried they won’t evaluate my performance fairly?
One new feature you’ll see in ENGAGE 2.0 is multi-rater feedback, which allows supervisors other than just your day-to-day lead to complete an evaluation on your performance. For example, if you work day-to-day as a registered nurse in a mental health facility but have also been supporting a facility-wide wellness initiative for another leader, but your day-to-day supervisor and the supervisor closest to your work on the facility-wide wellness initiative would be able to complete an evaluation on you. Multi-rater feedback helps control for situations where an individual supervisor may be a ‘difficult grader’.
Can you explain what happens if a team member is marked ‘at risk’ on the evaluation?
The ‘at risk’ question on the ENGAGE 2.0 evaluation is NOT about ‘flagging’ poor performers. The question is intended to:
1) Help supervisors identify team members who may be trending toward performance that does not meet expectations; for example, a solid performer who began consistently showing up late for work a month ago.
2) Help HR understand if these behaviors have been communicated to the team member; this is a conversation between HR and the team member’s supervisor, and helps HR understand if the behavior has been discussed in a recent ENGAGE conversation, and if the supervisor requires their support.
3) Help team members understand that their supervisor has identified a development area or behavior that could become an issue and understand specifically what the supervisor expects them to do to course-correct. This helps reduce instances where team members are surprised by negative feedback or a corrective action plan.
Watch this video to learn everything you need to know about the “at risk” question in the ENGAGE 2.0 evaluation survey.
If a team member is flagged ‘at risk’, will it be part of their personnel record?
• No; HR will use the ‘at risk’ question to understand when to reach out to a supervisor to make sure the team member and supervisor are both receiving the support they need to address any potential performance issues.
• Similar to the current process, only once formal corrective action begins will anything be added to a team member’s personnel file; the intent of this flag is to get team members the support they need before corrective action is ever considered or needed.
Our agency works with outside partners, can they provide feedback?
No. Currently, ENGAGE 2.0 is meant only for use by State of Missouri employees.
Will evaluation data be available at the division level?
Yes. Department HR has identified which supervisors have access to department and/or division level data in the evaluation dashboard. Staff with department- or division-level access can see aggregated performance data and can use that data when making important talent and/or reward decisions. Access/permission are updated regularly.
I’ve heard performance data will be used to compare performance levels across similar roles – how will those role groups be defined?
Peer groups, or the groups against which individual performance will be compared, will be designated by each department, as roles vary significantly across state agencies.
Are evaluations different across departments?
No; evaluations and upward feedback tools and resources were created to be useful for all departments, divisions, facilities, levels, and roles.
Is completing an evaluation on a direct report mandatory?
Yes. Supervisors are expected to complete one evaluation twice per year for each of their direct reports. In some departments, if a supervisor has worked with a team member as part of a special project or initiative, they can also complete evaluations for that individual as a “secondary evaluator.”
Can you explain more about how the results are aggregated and how often Supervisors will be able to view their results?
• Evaluations will be completed twice per year in March and September.
• Supervisors can view their evaluation results in their evaluation dashboard.
• Supervisors are expected to share aggregated results with their team members during their ENGAGE conversations.
What is an Upward Feedback Form?
• The Upward Feedback Form is a brief, six question survey that team members use to assess the quality of coaching and feedback they receive from their supervisors.
• The Upward Feedback Form will support the State’s move to more ongoing, real-time coaching and feedback between supervisors and team members.
Who completes Upward Feedback Forms?
The Upward Feedback Form should be completed by the team members who work day-to-day with the supervisor receiving the feedback.
How do Upward Feedback Forms work?
• Upward Feedback Forms are completed through an online form, just like the evaluation. Responses are confidential and supervisors will see an average score for each upward feedback question.
• Upward feedback is a developmental tool to help supervisors improve their coaching skills and will not serve as an input to a supervisor’s year-end evaluation. For this reason, upward feedback reports are shared with the supervisor they were completed for, and no one else.
Is Upward Feedback really anonymous?
Yes. Names are not associated with the feedback. To help remain anonymous, team members should use generic terms and language.
Is Upward Feedback required?
No, but we encourage team members to provide their supervisor with constructive upward feedback so they can continue to get better!
What is the anonymity waiver all about in my Upward Feedback survey?
The waiver is to recognize a team member is on a small team (3 or fewer members, including the supervisor) and therefore it might be harder to remain anonymous.
If a team member wants to provide upward feedback for their supervisor and is on a small team, they can choose to complete the survey by choosing agree.
If the team member does not want to complete the survey, and does not want to waive anonymity, choose disagree – this will end the survey and no data will be collected.
I chose the wrong answer to the small teams question – can I retake the Upward Feedback survey?
Yes, Upward Feedback can be re-taken. Email engage@oa.mo.gov to request an Upward Feedback retake link. An email will be sent to the team member, when this request is completed.
I have the wrong supervisor listed on the form – what do I do?
If the team member is new to the current supervisor, the previous supervisor may appear for their feedback since they have the most and recent experience with them. If however, if they have been with the current supervisor for a while, they can reach out to the department HR Director, or their supervisor to take the next steps. For a change to take place, the department HR Director must officially request a change.
I’d like to change my Upward Feedback, can I retake it?
Yes, Upward Feedback can be re-taken during the Engage Upward Feedback period. Email engage@oa.mo.gov to request an Upward Feedback retake link. An email will be sent to the team member, when this request is completed.
Has there been discussion about sharing the supervisor feedback with their manager or higher up?
Yes, but it was decided that initially supervisors should be given the opportunity to receive upward feedback and then act on it themselves before the feedback is shared with their leadership or considered as a part of their performance. This supports the State’s focus on individual growth and development and will help supervisors develop their coaching skills.
What about concerns that supervisors will try to ‘get back’ at people who provide constructive feedback?
• Upward feedback is anonymous, so supervisors will only see the number of responses they received – not the name of the feedback providers.
• Team members who want to provide feedback but work on a team of less than three people will be able to waive their anonymity in order to do so.
If I waive anonymity, because I am part of a small team, does that mean my name will appear on the report?
No; waiving anonymity simply means that you acknowledge it can be difficult to remain anonymous when on a team smaller than three. No names are ever associated with any feedback.
If a supervisor has less than 3 Team Members and those 1-2 Team Members do not waive their anonymity, where does their Upward Feedback go?
When Team Members identified as being part of a team of less than 3 do not waive their anonymity, the online Upward Feedback form will automatically thank them for their time without allowing them to complete the survey – so there is no data to be shared.
Is the Upward Feedback provided on a Supervisor part of that Supervisor’s evaluation?
No; the Upward Feedback form is intended to be used for professional development only, and for that reason the aggregated Upward Feedback responses are share only with the Supervisor they pertain to.
What happens if a Team Member changes Supervisors during a month when Upward Feedback forms are being completed?
The organizational hierarchy data used to identify a Team Member’s day-to-day Supervisor will be pulled one week before the Upward Feedback form opens, so even if a Team Member changes Supervisors once the Upward Feedback form is open they will be able to provide feedback to the Supervisor with whom they worked during the preceding months.
For example, on 24 February 2021 an organizational hierarchy will be pulled from SAM II and the Upward Feedback form will open on 2 March 2021. If a Team Member changes Supervisors on 27 February 2020, they would receive a link to provide feedback on the Supervisor they worked with until 27 February 2021 – the logic being that they wouldn’t be able to provide informed feedback on the new Supervisor. They would provide feedback to their new Supervisor in the next evaluation period.
How do I log in to my evaluation dashboard?
There are a few options:
1. Use the link you got in your original dashboard invitation email. You will get the email from: stateofmissourisurveynoreply@oa.mo.gov.
2. You can also log in to Qualtrics to view your evaluation dashboard:
i. SSO Users / consolidated agencies: Go to https://stateofmissouri.co1.qualtrics.com/reporting-dashboard/#/dashboard/ Sign in with state credentials (Ex: bds userID & network password)
ii. Non-SSO Users / non-consolidated agencies: co1.qualtrics.com/ee/dashboards – Sign in with your username (emailaddress#stateofmissouri) and password.
3. Still having trouble logging into your dashboard? Email engage@oa.mo.gov or call the Talent Management Help Desk 573-526-4500 for help.
Helpful hint: Save the link to your dashboard on your desktop or add it as a “favorite” in Chrome. You can access your dashboard more easily without going back to your email.
My dashboard is slow/crashing. What do I do?
First, Always use Chrome! The Dashboard data will load faster on the Chrome web browser. To change your default web browser, click here.
Second, make sure to Filter the information to the right level. Depending on your permission level, you can filter by department, division, org level, or evaluation timeframe. Filter to view the results that are most relevant and meaningful to you. This can help load the info faster too.
How do I export/save the data in my dashboard?
Click the Export icon (it looks like a down arrow) within the table or chart you want to save. Select the desired file type, and click “export.” You will be prompted to choose the file location and name the file. Each table/chart has a preferred file type (.jpg, .csv) for exporting data. We recommend exporting each table/chart using the following file types (otherwise you may end up with missing data:
i. Team Member’s Total Scores – JPG
ii. Team Member Strengths – CSV
iii. Team Member Development – CSV
iv. Performance Scatter Plot – JPG
v. Rating Trends – CSV
vi. Team Member’s Total Score Data Table – CSV
How do I filter by evaluation timeframe?
The Evaluation timeframe filter is automatically set to “all.” That means the dashboard charts/tables show data for the most recent ENGAGE data. If a supervisor only wants to see their evaluation data from a specific evaluation period, they need to change that filter. This will update all the data in their dashboard/charts to only pull results from that timeframe only.
When do dashboards close?
Dashboards remain open throughout the evaluation periods. At the end of each evaluation period, they will close for roughly one week to process updated data.
Are there any trainings I can take to learn more about my evaluation dashboard?
Yes! Watch the ENGAGE 2.0 Dashboard training for Supervisors video on LinkedIn Learning! It reviews key components of the dashboard, including what each table/chart shows.
Note: If the link is not working, try one of the following solutions: Log-in to MO Learning; Try the link in another web browser such as Google Chrome; Use the search bar to find the course by name in MO Learning: “ENGAGE 2.0 Dashboard Training for Supervisors”.
How long will information in the Dashboard be available? For example, will supervisors always see all the comments they’ve ever written for each team member evaluation? Or will they start to drop off after a certain period of time?
The dashboard shows one year of Evaluation and Upward Feedback data. In addition, the ENGAGE team also saves evaluation and Upward Feedback data for five years, as per legal requirements. The team saves this data will offline/outside of the dashboard so that the dashboard does not slow down or become too difficult to navigate. In the future, the ENGAGE team hopes to give HR Directors access/ownership of this data.
If you need access to data that is older than one year, please email engage@oa.mo.gov.
How many Change Champions are there and how will they reach everyone?
There are hundreds of Change Champions across the state. Change Champions play an important role in ENGAGE. They support team members in their department/division by serving as a local resource. They can help answer questions or direct team members to specific ENGAGE resources.
How will Change Champions know if there are issues in their area, will they get any metrics to act on?
The ENGAGE Team will host Change Champion calls every month. In these monthly meetings, Change Champions across agencies and locations can hear about ENGAGE updates and upcoming deadlines, get guidance on how to answer questions that may be coming up frequently, and share their unique lesson’s learned, local wins, or ENGAGE issues their supported populations may be bringing them.
Can you explain the difference between what trainings the Trainer will do and the trainings that the Change Champions will handle?
ENGAGE 2.0 Trainers will be responsible for delivering a 6-hour, in-person training for supervisors on how to more effectively coach team members for both performance and development, while Change Champions have been asked to deliver much shorter (30 – 60 minute) trainings. These shorter trainings should leverage existing ENGAGE training materials (ex. ENGAGE Conversation Placemats, Evaluation and Upward Feedback Resource Guides, and Micro-Learning Modules) to address specific questions or issues being experienced by the Change Champion’s supported population.
Can you explain more about how we can support each other (Change Champions & Trainers)?
Since coaching skills will be critical to the success of ENGAGE, we encourage Change Champions and Coaching Trainers in their Department/Division/Facility, to pair up to deliver abbreviated coaching training locally for team members.
Growth Model levels, how were those developed and are they role specific?
The levels in the Growth Model are not tied to specific roles, but are instead meant to be useful across roles and levels. The Growth Model reflects research indicating there are three key transitions people go through in their professional development:
1. First, people take on a specific role and take full ownership of the space where they work.
2. Second, they begin to make an impact beyond their role, meaning they need skills that may not be natural to them, and they have to work with people who don’t work the same way they do.
3. Third, they begin to make an impact on the entire organization. This means they think about more than how their role fits into the big picture. They now think about how all the people they work with fit into the big picture and how their individual actions can make the biggest possible impact on the whole.
With regards to the Growth Model, how often are we reviewing all four core capabilities with team members?
Great question! The first time a Supervisor and Team Member meet to discuss the Growth Model, it will be important for them to hit each of the four areas and talk about where the Team Member sees themselves, and where the Supervisor sees the Team Member. After that initial discussion, however, the core capabilities discussed will depend on the Team Member’s development goals. For example, if a Team Member’s primary focus is on getting a specific certification, their Growth Model conversations will likely focus on the Learn and Grow core capability, any progress they’ve made toward the certification, any support they may need from the Supervisor, etc. You can find videos explaining this in more detail in the Growth Model Section of the ENGAGE 2.0 website.
I have heard that we may receive a temporary salary increase as part of ENGAGE 2.0, what is that?
• One goal of ENGAGE has been not only gathering better data on individual performance, but also using that data to fairly reward top performers across the state. That’s why, as part of the state’s increased focus on development and an improved employee experience, Governor Parson has asked the state legislature to appropriate approximately $10 million to be used to reward the state’s top performers with a temporary salary increase.
• Though these funds are being requested, there is no guarantee that year after year those funds will be available – that’s why ENGAGE is primarily about making an investment in individual growth and development, and in helping leaders across the state do a better job of recognizing great performance in non-monetary ways.
• As part of the ENGAGE roll-out, and in support of our goal of improving how we recognize great performance, the state will be sharing a Recognition Menu that includes over 10 different no-cost and low-cost ways leaders (and team members) can recognize others.
Will the recognition menu be tailored to my department and fit within policy?
The Recognition Menu provides options that reflect the preferences of State of Missouri team members working across departments in offices, call centers, on roadways, and in state parks. So, while every entry in the menu may not be applicable for every department or division, there are options for everyone in the menu – and we encourage you to help us improve the menu by sharing recognition options you or your department may have found effective that aren’t already included.
If pay for performance is not a guaranteed part of ENGAGE, why roll it out at all?
ENGAGE is not about pay for performance, and even if cash is not available to pay for performance, ENGAGE will still be helping team members by:
• Better supporting their growth and development in everyday ways.
• Creating a culture where coaching is more frequent and strengths-focused.
• Helping leaders and team members alike do a better job of recognizing great performance when it happens.
Why is there an update to the ENGAGE rhythm effective October 1, 2021?
This update is a direct result of the feedback team members provided to their supervisors. Department directors listened and shared your feedback with the ENGAGE team. The goal of this update is to provide more opportunity for growth and intentional feedback at key points throughout the year.
Is everyone changing to this new rhythm?
Yes, the twice a year (March and September) evaluations and upward feedback apply to all Departments. If an entire Department has determined their desire to continue a quarterly rhythm, they should contact engage@oa.mo.gov to discuss their options.
As a supervisor, can I meet with my staff during the off months?
We highly encourage multiple professional development conversations! While this rhythm makes the expectation for these ENGAGE conversations to be noted in the ENGAGE Tracker at minimum 10 months out of 12, a supervisor and team member can have many professional development conversations outside of those specified months.
Will REFLECT conversations still occur? What if a team members anniversary date is in March or September?
REFLECT should occur during a regular ENGAGE conversation. This can be in the month of a team members anniversary or the following one if it is during March or September. The ENGAGE Tracker functionality will continue to provide an opportunity for ENGAGE conversations in March or September to allow teams the flexibility to continue those important conversations in any month.