Sound workplace safety practices can lower the chances of accidents. These safety measures can include cleaning up chemical spills or removing dangerous objects, but they aim to keep workers safe.
Ergonomic Hazards: Ergonomic hazards strain the body, leading to symptoms like soreness, fatigue, and pain, especially in the eyes, fingers, arms, neck, wrist, and back. To mitigate these issues, create an ergonomic workspace, maintain proper posture, and take regular breaks.
Physical Hazards: Physical hazards can be found in every workplace environment. These hazards could include loose cords on the ground, extreme temperatures, and loud noises. Be sure to clean your area and wear and use protective items when needed.
Psychological Hazards: Psychological hazards cause harm through stress, burnout, and mental tiredness. These effects can impact one's work. To overcome these psychological effects, consider taking small breaks, setting boundaries, and/or seeking professional help.
You can read about more hazards by clicking here. Remember that not all the hazards mentioned will apply to your work area. If any do, consider using the suggested safety measures to make your space safer.